
Vapes are electronic devices designed to allow people to inhale nicotine in a vapour.

What is Vaping

Vapes are electronic devices designed to allow people to inhale nicotine in a vapour. Using a vape is known as vaping. Vapes are also available without nicotine.

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Vaping to stop smoking

Nicotine vaping is recommended by the NHS as a way for adults to stop smoking. But it isn’t recommended for non-smokers, especially children and young people under 18.

Vaping is substantially less harmful than smoking but that doesn’t mean it’s harmless.

What you should know

In the UK it is illegal to sell nicotine vaping products to someone under the age of 18, or for adults to buy these products for them.
Saying no to vaping graphical text

Common risks

Nicotine makes the heart beat much faster. This can make you feel nauseous/sick the first time you use it. Nicotine is addictive and can be hard to stop using once you’ve started. Vaping is a lot less harmful than smoking but it doesn’t mean it’s harmless.

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Side effects

Some of the side effects of vaping are:

  • coughing
  • dry mouth and throat
  • shortness of breath
  • mouth and throat irritation
  • headaches
What you should know

Nicotine may be riskier for young people than for adults – there’s some evidence that in adolescence the brain is more sensitive to its effects. Nicotine is a toxin and poisoning can happen if larger doses are taken.

5 good things about quitting to share:

  • much less likely to get a serious disease or illness
  • save lots of money
  • teeth won't get stained and your breath won't smell bad
  • feel less stressed out
  • you will be better at exercising