Cumberland Local Area SEND and Alternative Provision Partnership Strategy
SEND is an acronym for special educational needs and disabilities. Alternative provision refers to tailored education for children and young people who face challenges accessing mainstream education settings, or for those who may not be able to have their needs met in mainstream settings.
The Partnership consists of colleagues from:
- Cumberland Council
- local NHS and health services
- schools and settings
- the parent-carer forum for the local area
- SEND Alliance Cumbria (SENDAC)
The strategy details the priorities of the Local Area Partnership, and key actions that will be taken over the next 4 years to improve outcomes for children and young people with SEND and their families. The priorities are:
- working together and building trust
- high quality local provision and services
- improving outcomes
- preparing for and moving into adulthood
- a supportive, effective alternative provision
- valuing our children and young people and achieving best value in Cumberland
The full strategy details the Local Area’s priorities, and includes what the Partnership want to change or improve, what this will look like for families, and how we will make the changes needed.
The strategy details key actions the Partnership will take over the next 4 years to improve outcomes for children and young people with SEND and their families. While not a fully exhaustive list, our strategy clearly sets the Partnership’s ambition to develop and implement the improvements needed.
We will measure our success and impact made based on the ‘what this will look like for families’ sections within the strategy, and results of further SEND Annual Surveys, engagement activities, and co-production groups.
Visit the Families Information Directory website for further information.
Subscribe to the Cumberland SEND and Alternative Provision Partnership newsletter.
“This strategy is a brilliant step forward in improving the outcomes for children and young people with SEND and their families in the Cumberland area.
We know that SEND is a national issue, and many families are facing difficulties to get their child or young person the support they need.
This strategy shows the Local Area’s commitment to ensure we are all taking the right steps towards offering children and young people with SEND an inclusive and accessible education, as well as supportive and high-quality local services and provision.
We are committed to working with our children and young people and their families to ensure this is the case, and I would encourage families to read this strategy and look out for updates on how they can get involved and have their views heard.”