Online Safety and Screen Time

Help children and young people stay safe online.
Toddler with ear phones on sitting on lawn watching device

Young children may come across inappropriate content or begin to copy what older children do online. Schoolwork and homework are often web-based, meaning children need to be more digitally savvy as they get older.

You can support your child

  • Agreeing boundaries on what your child can and cannot do online
  • Explore together, let them take the lead and show you what sites they like to visit
  • Install the right level of parental control
  • Stay involved with your child by having them use their devices in the same room as you are

Useful websites

Internet Matters has a internet safety checklist with practical tips to help children aged 6 to 10 to have a safer online experience.

NSPCC has a range of resources including online safety guides including how to set up parental controls. 

UK Safer Internet Centre has help with screen time, cyber flashing, reporting, livestreaming and much more.