Bottle Feeding

If you've decided to bottle feed, you may be worried about what formula to buy, what equipment you'll need and how to get the hang of feeding your baby when everything is so new.

Information and advice on bottle feeding

If you decide not to breastfeed you should feel supported in your decision. If you decide to bottle feed then feed your baby responsively allowing them to feed as often as they want. Your baby may not always finish the bottle…….this is normal.

Useful Tips

  • You should give your baby a first-stage baby formula unless advised otherwise by a health professional.

  • Your baby can stay on this formula until one year of age and then be changed onto full-fat cow's milk.

  • Solids are not recommended before six months the formula your baby drinks has the right amounts of vitamins and minerals added. 

  • Wash your hands before preparing a bottle 

  • Sterilise all feeding equipment (see guidelines) using Steam, Cold water tablets or Boiling 

  • Bottles should not be made in advance but as required 

  • Water used to make up feeds should be a minimum of 70C. 

  • Add water to the bottle before the powder when making up feeds. 

  • Do not add anything else to the bottle unless advised to do so by a health professional. 

  • Never reheat a bottle of formula and throw away formula which has been out of the fridge for two hours. 

  • A ready-to-feed formula once opened can be stored for 24 hours at the back of the fridge. 

  • When your baby takes less than 500mls of formula in 24 hours it is recommended that you give them a multivitamin containing Vitamin D.