Infant Crying

Crying is your baby's way of communicating with you. Usually, they are telling you they need comfort and care.

Ask for help if you need support

It's a difficult time as a new parent, particularly so it's okay to ask for help or to tell someone you trust that you need support. You are not alone.

  • I - INFANT crying is normal and it will stop 
  • C - COMFORT methods can soothe your baby and the crying will stop
  • O - OK to walk away if your baby is safe and you need a break 
  • N - NEVER shake or hurt your baby
Sooth your crying baby

Tips to soothe your baby

Babies cry, it is normal and after eight weeks, babies start to cry less.

  • Talk calmly, hum or sing
  • Let babies hear a repeating or soothing sound
  • Hold babies close to your skin
  • Go for a walk with your baby, motion can help soothe babies
  • Give the baby a warm bath
If you think something is wrong, speak to a health professional or ring NHS 111