Exam Stress

Working towards exams can create feelings of worry and being under pressure, especially at university where your child is aiming for a degree. However, there are a range of things that you can do to help your child deal with the stress that they might be feeling.

Advice for Students

Student Minds has several useful resources to help offer some useful tips. 
Find out from other students how they cope with exam stress. BBC Bitesize has a range of short videos and advice on how to study smarter. 

Exams can feel like a lot of pressure. Childline has a range of ways of helping you cope with the pressure. 


If you're feeling overwhelmed or are finding it difficult to cope with the stress around exams, make sure you get support. Take a look at the Student Minds support section for the services you can access nationally and on campus.

If exam stress is taking over and you're struggling to cope, you are not alone. Here are some organisations that can support you.

  • The Mix offers a helpline, advice and a forum for under-25s.  
  • Shout text service offers support to anyone who's struggling with their mental health. Text 85258  
  • Childline has a helpline, chat and email service. Call 0800 1111
  • Kooth app has an online community, articles, a 1:1 chat and a journal feature.  

Advice for Parents

Tests and exams can be a challenging part of school life for children and young people and their parents or carers.

There are ways to ease the stress.

  • Watch for signs of stress
  • Make sure your child eats well
  • Help your child get enough sleep
  • Be flexible during exams
  • Help them study
  • Talk about exam nerves
  • Encourage exercise during exams
  • Do not add pressure
  • Make time for treats
  • Know when to get help

Results Day

Results day can be a stressful time for everyone (students as well as parents/carers/teachers) and it can feel like there’s a lot riding on the grades received. It is so important that whatever the results are there are many different options out there, with lots of great routes into further study, the workplace, or a combination of both.

  • Education Hub has 5 tips for parents and carers on supporting your child with results day.

Useful websites

  • NHS website has some great advice on watching for signs of stress, why eating well is important, and how good sleeping habits can contribute to better thinking and talking about nerves with your child.
  • Family Action has some useful guidance on understanding the signs of stress. 
  • Family Lives has some great guidance on how you can support your child in preparing for exams, getting into healthy revision habits and what to do after exams. 
  • Young Minds can help you think about the lead-up to exams, how your school can support you, how to manage disappointing exam results day and where to get further help. 
  • National Careers Service Exam Results Helpline 0800 100900 or use their webchat.